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Logo of the brand Živina

Starting from scratch to a yearly revenue of 10 000 000 CZK

We helped launch and grow the brand Živina in less than a year and a half.

Product pictures of bottles of Kimchi from the Živina brand.
Achievements in numbers:
higher YoY sales in Q1 2023


aided brand awareness

27 %

13 %

action intent
 "NURARE is a true extension of our marketing team, providing versatile talent and problem-solving mindset. Their flexible and savvy approach is continually helping us achieve our growth objectives." 
Marketa Kudera, CMO of Živina
Živina is a Czech family-owned food manufacturer with its own factory in Přerov. Živina prides itself on producing products using only fresh, top-quality ingredients without any unnecessary additives. Their range of products, which includes kimchi, hummus, tahini, ketchup, and nut butter, has gained a reputation for its outstanding taste and quality. The company has set an ambitious goal to grow its production of these exceptional products tenfold this year, with the aim of becoming a major player in the European market.
The Živina team, including Martin Kudera and Markéta Kudera, testing and celebrating new products featuring Kimchi, Ketchup, and Tahini in their factory at Přerov

About our partner


  1. Define target audience and brand differentiation

  2. Develop a strong and recognizable brand

  3. Raise brand awareness and recall among customers

  4. Establish trust and credibility

  5. Drive high-intent traffic that will convert to customers

  6. Secure funding for business development.

High-quality and professional Živina creatives showcasing Martin Kudera and Štěpán Návrat from PRU58, their website and their products: Thajské zelené Kari, Teriyaki omáčka, Rajčatová omáčka and Kešu omáčka.


  • Growth Strategy

  • Brand Identity, Positioning & Packaging Design

  • Web & UX Design, E-Shop Development

  • Copywriting & Graphic Design

  • Video Production

  • SEO

  • Communication & Campaign Strategy

  • Performance Management (Social Ads, PPC)

  • Email Marketing & Automations

  • Process Automation and Digitization, CRM

How we helped our food-loving
friends go big

High-quality Živina product photography featuring their range of products including Thajské zelené Kari, Teriyaki omáčka, Rajčatová omáčka, and Kešu omáčka, Soy sauce, Lískový krém, BBQ omáčka, Salsa dip, oat-milk and vinegar

Now a thriving brand, Živina has been our client from the start. Our first purchase of 577 CZK marked the beginning of our journey towards reaching a yearly revenue of 10 000 000 CZK in just a year and a half. 


Starting from scratch, we developed a concept and strategy that made the brand stand out while offering real value to its customers. We designed and launched the website with an

e-shop and garnered attention through newsletters, the production of outstanding videos and creatives, and a string of impactful advertising campaigns. 


Thanks to a dedicated effort from all involved, Živina has achieved significant gains in brand awareness, with aided overall brand awareness reaching 16.7% and aided brand awareness within our target group reaching 27%. According to a Meta brand lift study, our action intent has reached 13%+. All of this was accomplished within two years.

Brand Lift Percent by Poll Questions

Our robust marketing infrastructure has generated impressive results, with a fivefold growth rate from Q3 2022 to Q1 2023. 


Currently, we are also in the second round of our bond issuance campaign, which has already accumulated more than 15 000 000 CZK.


Overall, our campaigns, together with PR activities and ambassadors' engagement, drove a massive boost in user engagement, with 3000 new active customers in Q1 2023 alone.

We have also helped set Živina up for future success by facilitating the digitalisation of their processes, and we can’t wait to see what is next for this growing company.

Selected creatives
Živina plant-based products in a long line against a black background with the in-picture text "Budoucnost je rostlinná. Získejte pevný roční výnos 8,5% p.a." - a creative made for the bond issuance campaign for investment opportunity
Performance creative for Živina products flying mid-air with an in-picture text "100% přírodní oříškové a sezamové krémy"
Živina brand's performance creative featuring a couple's hands enjoying Nachos and Salsa Dip with an in-picture text: "Mlsání v rytmu salsy"
High-quality product photography of Jablečný Ocet (Apple Cider Vinegar) from the brand Živina with an in-picture text: "Pořádná dávka probiotik a enzymů

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and let’s talk

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our founder

We always listen, learn and understand before we do something. Talk to us and see our approach! | LinkedIn


Polská 2400/1a, Praha 2 – Vinohrady, 192 00
IČO: 05760402 DIČ: CZ05760402





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